Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jelly Fish.
Ocean World; Siam Paragon; Bangkok.


fursat said...

Wow...amazing shot. Looks like some molecules from the microscope. I wouldn't have guessed that its jelly fish :-) Is it tasty?...lol

AmitL said...

Lovely colours.:)Just wondering-what do jelly fish do?Why were they named thusly?Off I go to wikipedia/google.

Marlee said...

Wow...this pic looks so surreal...wouldnt have realised that they were jelly fish if u hadnt mentioned. Thot them to be 3 UFO's. lol...lovely pic! mail it to me...would be great as a desktop background.

fursat said...

@ Marlee - Marlee, tooth fairies and UFO's don't exist yaar...he he he.

Colors said...

Lovely pic.... r the jellyfishes inside a tank? How did u manage to get such a clear pic?

ektaran said...

yaa seriously..they do look like molecules roaming around :p

you taste n tell me...grrrr

ektaran said...

Lovely colored lights which were falling on these li'l creatures from the bottom of the tank.

So what did ya learn after ur googling & wiki session on jelly fish??

ektaran said...

he he..sweet! UFOs...yes will surely mail u the pic.

ektaran said...

Yes, these were inside a tank...Clear pic...well should praise the digi cam for that & also T!!

Marlee said...

@ Ricky: hmmmm...i believe in them...irrespective of ur beliefs! :-p

@ Mehak: Girl, the book widgets/pics are cool! So, Mars is reading A Fine Balance...its one of my fav books...I was so disturbed after reading the Book...couldnt believe that India was like that! Do tell us more abt the book ur reading...its time I bought a new book, so I might consider this one.

fursat said...

Oye, I too love the book widgets. Preeti(B'lore waali) suggested me "A Fine Balance" but also told like Marlee, that she went into depression reading it, so am leaving it for another day. But, you both should write reviews of the same :-)

ektaran said...

thankssss......Yaa a few of my friends who've read A Fine Balance have told me that its a v depressing book.....Yesss I am about to finish the book I'm reading...once done...will tell u about it :)

ektaran said...

thanks for liking the lil widgets!! :)

Even I've heard the same about A Fine Balance...not sure whether I'll pick it up....reviews...hmm...will think about it :p

Akash said...

Awesome snap!! I love the semi-transparent purplish shade they have... :)

ektaran said...

They are actually white....the bottom of the tank had these small lights of diff colors which were falling on these jelly babies.

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